Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Recently a family that is close to ours received terrible news regarding there little girl having cancer. We hang out with them and watch these girls regularly. This hit my wife and I like a ton of bricks. We are used to all of the hospital stuff but from the other side. We are doing whatever we can to be supportive to the family and it made me think of all of the support that we have received during the years. We have an amazing support system. Between friends and family we have always had our emotional, and financial needs met. About 2 years into our journey with Michael I received a letter from a friend of mine. I had been feeling fairly defeated at the time. We hit another dead end with all of the tests and had to start all over and I just felt like I couldn't go on. In the letter my friend talked about a time at summer camp when which we both attended. The Lord really moved that night and my friend told how much he remembered that night and he was proud of how I was able to persevere through all of the trials with Mikee. That letter kept me going and even to this day whenever I feel at the end of my rope I can read that letter and it keeps me going. I say all this because we think we have to do some huge grand gesture in order to support someone. This isn't the case. Sometimes all it takes it something as simple as a letter.

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