Friday, January 20, 2012

The Not So Round Table

About the second week that Mikee was in the nicu his doctor came to us and said she wanted to have a round table discussion to address his future. A round table discussion turned out to be all of his doctors and nurses sitting on one side of a long rectangular table facing Heidi and myself. The "discussion" seemed more like a lecture than a discussion. Both the doctors and the nurses just kept on shooting questions and statements at us that for two parents who had just been through the ringer was overwhelming to say the least. My wife did everything in her power to answer every one of the statements and questions but before long she was close to tears. You have to understand that when I get overwhelmed to a breaking point I shut down. It's terrible I know but I need to shut everyone and everything out of my mind and do nothing but talk to my creator. Needless to say I was shut down trying to take it all in praying like mad that God would give me the wisdom and perseverance I would need to get through another seemingly endless day when I heard his doctor say a sentence that I can remember clearly to this day. the doctor said "you have to come to terms that there is little to no chance us us figuring out what is wrong with your son." Without missing a beat I snapped out of it and looked at the doctor and said "you need to understand that we are a family that believes in God. My God is bigger than your science and until the day that you come to me and tell me what is wrong with our son than I believe God will heal him." the meeting didn't last long after that. I didn't write this to toot my own horn. You need to understand that even though Mikee is the greatest gift God ever gave me this journey has had more up and downs than a roller coaster, and it is only my Faith in a God that is bigger and more powerful than any science or medican that man can create that has kept me not only married to the most wonderful woman in the world, but also able to deal with the journey that we are on.

1 comment:

  1. well said.. I dont know a lot of people who would say something like that to the doctor. I am sure the Lord was very proud and even though there still arent many answers for Mikee, God is using him and using you guys as well to reach out to those who do need Jesus.
